1997 Ledgers
January | February | March | April | May | June | July
August | September | October | November | December
January 15, 1997 — Me and My Girl
Well for those of you who haven’t heard yet: I’m Sir John in Me and My Girl..
January 20, 1997 — Another Weekend Over…
Ok… Another weekend has ended… I actually managed to finish everything I had meant to finish as the weekend started! My car is fixed (for those of you who don’t know I got into a minor accident due to ice but the other guy wasn’t damaged (it was a van) so after 350 dollars all’s still well), my ear is clear (it has been stuffed for 3 weeks- the doctor “flushed” it out- a huge piece of wax was stuck in there, but I won’t go into grueling details)… Back to school tomorrow… So how are all of you? I find AOL very annoying and if I seem to be responding less than usual it’s b/c it’s a real pain to get online to mail my responses… In fact here I am writing this and it’s questionable whether I’ll be able to send this off later… But that’s life and c’est la vie which mean the same exact thing actually, so I’m being redundantly repetitive again and again… and again… (I’ll do it again! I’ll do it again!– extra credit for naming where that’s from)… I’m almost done with Crime and Punishment… it actually gets better as it goes on… Just about 90 pages left… I did mucho Physics work but I think I solved quite a few problems that I’ve been puzzling over for weeks… I still have 3 labs to complete by tomorrow, but 2 of them I need the computer in school so I doubt that’ll happen… fortunately, I’m not the only one who hasn’t finished his labs- in fact I probably have more done than most of the class… they keep piling on and on… I still know not where I’ll be next year… I’m awaiting $$ from MIT and I really should get started on scholarship stuff… I hate being lazy, but it’s what I’ve become it seems… But I havee managed NOT to send a billion “I’m bored” messages this weekend since I’ve kept myself sort of busy… So no complaints since I’ve only sent ONE ledger this weekend as opposed to 5 or 6 that I’ve sent in the past! For those of you w/o AOL the background is light blue and the print is dark green- use your imagination! Well I’ve babbled on enough and now I will attempt to send this off! I hope AOL adds new phone lines soon! Talk to you soon!
January 22, 1997 — 130,000
Hey all! How are you all doing? Ok- here’s a question and let’s see who figures it out! It has to do with the subject up there- that number has a special meaning… Tomorrow when I’m going to school…. that’s about all the clues I’m giving! Let’s see if anyone can decipher these awful attempts at clues and figure out what that number means to me… I want to tell you, but I won’t…Certain people have complained that a few of my questions were too easy so I thought I’d give you all something to think about… What could happen tomorrow that has something to do with 130,000? Also, tomorrow an AP Physics midterm awaits… But that’ll be when I get to school… For those of you sans AOL, the background is pink and the writing is purple… I really, really enjoy coloring in my messages! I’m having a great week! (my first one all year) I managed to get out of Health qtr.4 so now 4th qtr I’ll be going out to lunch with my friends instead of being stuck in a classroom! The plus side of 3rd qtr Health is that when it gets really cold out, I’ll still be inside… and when it’s beautiful out again I can go out! I can’t wait until the semester ends… I go into Psych 2 instead of Drama which’ll be nicer… I’ve spent 1.5 hours mailing people today! But I just had to send out a ledger spreading my good joy and happiness… “Happiness is finding a pencil”, getting out of 4th qtr health, e-mailing all of my friends… So write back soon with your guesses about that special number up there in the subject! I’m almost done with Crime and Punishment! Now that’s an accomplishment I think… I must go and watch DS9 now… Write soon and I’ll write back and back and back… oh I’m doing an article on weekends for the Senior section of the yearbook, so any SENIOR at EBHS who’d like to be quoted just tell me a fabulous quote tomorrow and I’ll put in it my article! I feel so special writing something that years from now we’ll all look at with fond memories… But alas I digress as usual! I hope you all feel as happy as I do or will feel that way agian soon! I think I’m almost up to 50 people I mail this ledger to… isn’t that scary? See you all soon… or not for some of you…
January 24, 1997 — Murphy’s Law
Ok- I just got on with no problem to get my mail… and then, tramatically, I finished responding to the 2 people who had written me back within the 3 hours in which I was offline and now I can’t get back on to send them! UGH! I just told Renee that I was actually able to connect today and that’s what happened- that’s why this message is entitled, Murphy’s Law… Congrats to those of you who figured out what the number meant; I’m going to hold the solution until everyone else gets the chance to guess! I am really, really getting into this coloring my messages so those of you sans AOL are really missing out on life! But I don’t have too much else to babble about… I actually got to check my mail twice today! That’s probably b/c I have all of this free time since the History exam is tomorrow and I get to SLEEP IN!!! That’ll be nice… I’m putting everything else off until the weekend as usual… I finished Crime and Punishment! Well, I feel that’s an accomplishment anyway… this message has been sent to about 45 people! Isn’t that exciting? I think it is at least… but alas, I shall stop this incessant babble and bid you all farewell for now! Until we write again! Write back soon! This weekend’s the Region concert but I should be able to check my mail at least once a day…
January 27, 1997 — March 9th
Hey all! You know what happened tonight? No, of course you don’t. So I’ll inform you and lighten the suspense… Elliott (most of you should know this name) recommended me to his son, Michael, as a pianist since he needs one for one of his shows or something… so anyway, I’ve been to Michael’s twice and he told me the job’s mine except the problem is it’s March 9th (no I’m not making any reference to the Ides of March)… anyway, I already booked myself with Ms. Meryl (the other lady I play piano for) for one hour to play for her auditions for her Cabaret in April- that’s from 11-12… so anyway, I just called Michael and told him the confirmed time, but he was in a rehearsal so his wife, Michelle (who’s really nice too) said he’d call me back soon and I await his call… So anyway, I’m sitting here wondering if it’ll work out- the only major problem is that the show is playing in Bergen which is a good hour away from here, but at least Westfield cuts some of that time… it really depends what time his show is, actually since I could probably get up there by 1ish… I’m watching Murphy Brown right now- it’s a repeat and it wasn’t funny the first time… it used to be funny many moons ago… oh well- I had a really easy math midterm today, but my AP English midterm is tomorrow, too, unfortunately… Well, anyway I checked my mail for only the second time today and to my great disappointment I had NO mail! So I figured I’d better send out another ledger to remind people I’m out here… How’re all of you? Just wondering… The semester is almost over!!! I’ll stop this e-mail before it transgresses into nothingness (if it’s not nothing already…)
Talk to you all soon-
February 1, 1997 — RENT!!!!!
Well, I saw Rent today! It’s such a marvelous show… Last night I had to deal with last minute problems about transportation and I got no sleep and woke up quite tired, but I perservered and made it through the day without collasping although right now I can think of little else but sleep… anyway, I’m going to tell you all about Rent (you lucky people- ok who knows where that’s from; I was writing this ledger in my mind (yes, I do neurotic things like that when I’m on a train and have nothing to do since I finished the souvenir program that I bought for my friend (who gave me $$ for it) and learned all baout Jon Larson’s life and the fact that he idolized SONDHEIM too and actually got to meet him and get advice from him… and I thought of saying “you lucky people” and I couldn’t place it… but then in the car ride back to Rutgers from the train station, I asked and Dan placed it right away and then everyone else in the car said, “oh yeah!” so anyway, if you can think of it I’ll be impressed…) RENT: the first act went quite like the CD, but the 2nd Act… well, let’s just say the amps of the guitars in the pit blew taking all of lights too and there was a minute pause while everything was sorted out- but they did do a great job of coovering and the 2 pepole who were with us and didn’t have the show memorized didn’t know… so anyway, the amps blew a second time and the piano was the only instrument playing for a few of the last numbers… but it was really great seeing the people singing! And a few things make much more sense after seeing it… and it was amazing and I cheered and applauded and gave it a standing ovation w/o any hesistation… other problems: Roger went SHARP during a few numbers when he belted up to notes and went a tiny bit too far…I wanted to strangle him… and Mimi seemed a tiny bit sick, but I can figure her for that- she also didn’t come out (“tonight”) after the show like most others- I managed to get 9 out of 21 of the cast’s signatures on this huge poster that I have no room for in my room including Mark, who was super, Roger, Maureen, Joanne, Angel, Collins, Timothy Parker, some other guy and the lady who belts in Seasons of Love… that makes 9, right? So anyway, then we went to Little Italy for dinner and I got veal parmigian since it’s my fav. and we spent a few minutes in Dan and Jaime’s dorm sicne Dave wanted to see it… The show went by really, really fast… It was quite a nice day… and I’m going to go online, read my mail, hopefully respond to it all, and then collasp and sleep until at least 1 tomorrow… So I hope all of your weekends are going well and are at least half as exciting as mine is and wish me luck finding room for this poster… Speak to you soon…
February 2, 1997
Ok, I’ve been rather busy and haven’t sent a Ledger in awhile so I decided to put off reading Heart of Darkness and doing any other of those billions of essays I should write, just to say hi! And also to say I have tickets that I and my friend Dan are stuck with: Anyone want to see Phantom of the Opera this THURSDAY night for $50?? I made my parents get an extra ticket since Dan said that if I got stuck with it, he’d buy it, but now he’s reneging b/c he’s short of cash b/c he’s going to see Sunset Blvd on its closing night (I can’t believe it’s closing already!) and he also has a ticket for Betty Buckley that he can’t go to b/c he’s going on some Glee Club retreat- so that’s $35 for Sat, APRIL 26th and I’m already going with Dave, but if anyone would like to buy Dan’s ticket, then they will probably be sitting behind me, but still will get to hear Betty’s marvelous voice- so if anyone wants it, then Dan will have money to see Phantom and both problems will be solved!!!! Ok?? My parents are going to kill me if I can’t get rid of this ticket to Phantom… RENT!!!!!! I’m oging to see Rent again!!!!!! 🙂 And maybe jump on the 2fer line afterwards… my birthday is in NINETEEN days!!!!! Anyone stumped for a gift, if everyone gets me gift certificates to Borders I can go on a shopping spree! But a card is just fine, of course! I’m oging to be 18! Wow, I feel old although at least a qtr. of the people I e-mail are older… but I’m going to be an adult!! Anyway, my weekends been busy but great and that’s probably b/c I haven’t done any work yet… so I must go do some work since I’m going ot be sleeping in 7 or 8 hours… It snowed! Why couldn’t it snow tonight so we’d get off tomorrow and I could get my work done b/c I’d be trapped home? oh well, hope you are all well and if anyone wnats to see Phantom or Betty please let me know ASAP!!!!!!!!!
PS. I forgot to mention my summer dilemna in my prior ledger, how daft of me! Anyway, I have 2 choices: 1. Plays in the Park again- probably The Music Man since my previous musical director is doing that one and she loves me… 2. I’ve been offered the job of Asst. Musical Director/ Rehearsal Pianist for Ms. Meryl (my boss)’s show this summer, Merrily We Roll Along (which is one of my fav. Sondheim shows…) and she also wants me to audition for the lead, Charlie who has 3 great numbers and plays piano on stage… So which do I choose? 2000 people for 10 nights and probably a few lines and solos in songs OR 2 nights, less people but still packed, $$$$ and a great part, playing SONDHEIM on piano, etc… Well????????? There that’s my summer dilemna, hope you’re all having great weekends!
February 14, 1997 — Phantom…
Well, I saw Phantom of the Opera for the 2nd time last night…. it was alright…. I mean I remember it being better, but maybe I’ve just heard the show too many times… they added a couple of little scenes which were pointless, cut some verses in songs, changed lyrics (I HATE when they change the lyrics), and added a few things here and there… I just wasn’t impressed- the people in it were alright but they seemed to have NO emotion and that was bothering me… and also the sound system is way too LOW and I listen to that show louder on my CD player than the system there produced… Christine was a good singer, the Phantom was ok, and I really like ANdre and Firmim and the old lady… but that fat man wasn’t that good and he was in a few songs he’s not supposed to be in! Like he was in Prima Donna and it was driving me nuts! Bonkers, even!
Anyway, as per complaints, I am going to start a new paragraph for those of you who just skim my ledgers and would like to see a more, well defined writing system- after the show, ok, we went with my family, Aaron Ratzan who incidently bought that ticket I was stressing about, and my mother’s friend Sybil, her husband, Bernie and daugher, Danielle…. so anyway after the show, Bernie sees Whoopi Goldberg’s van outside of Forum right across the street… SO I push my way into the line and await her exit from the theatre… I had her sign the “How many of these shows have you seen?” page since my Phantom program was the only one I had with me- so yes, I have Whoopi’s autograph in my Phantom program! But she wsa really nice and I was within a few inches of her! 🙂 I will hopefully go see her over spring vacation if I can ever figure out who wnats to go and find someone to order tickets…
What another paragraph? See I CAN use them… 🙂 anyway, I was quite tired and irritable so I took off from school today although there was a delayed opening… I probably didn’t miss much except the fact is I can only miss 3 more days of Health or else… gosh how I hate East Brunswick’s attendance policy… could they be more conservative? anyway, I slept until 1:30 today which gave me a total of 13 hours of sleep, and I feel much, much better and am looking forward to a nice LONG weekend of doing homework and relaxing… so hope you all have a happy Valentine’s Day! Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon…
Until whenever, then!!!!!
February 27, 1997 — ONE DAY MORE!!!
Well tomorrow’s the day! I’m going to legally be an adult! Isn’t that exciting? Hopefully I can make it to tomorrow! I can’t get my surprises out of my friends, but my new friend in LA, CA who went to Rachel’s camp (I replied to all of Rachel’s friends one day and she wrote back) sent me JOHN LITHGOW’s autograph! (She’s friends with him) And it’s to me! So it’s added to my collection, and watching 3rd Rock from the Sun will never be the same! I just felt I should send another ledger out b/c the last one I sent was ages ago, or so it seems… Busy, busy, busy… I hope everything is going well for all of you! It’s going to be a great day tomorrow! Speak to you soon I hope!
March 25, 1997 — Life…
Well some people (can get a thrill…) have said, “Seth, we haven’t received a ledger in awhile!” So here it is… The show went really, really well nad I’m still in shock that it was my last show at EBHS… I got a $6,000 scholarship per year to Rutgers and my parents really woulr prefer I go there- they even offered me my dad’s car and a new computer… bribery, bribery… April is college visitation month! I’m going to Rutgers to teh Engineering thing on April 5th and I’m going up to MIT from April 10-12 (missing 2 days of school to go up with Umaima to visit) and I still ahven’t heard if I even got into Hopkins yet… I was APPALLED that that horrible movie, the English Patient won so much last night- watched Madonna (she was very nervous, but I still ove her (b/c I must!)) I’m seeing V/V THurs night- I hope Julie doesn’t take off for Holy THrus. or I’ll be very disappointed! anyway, Sat. my friends are taking me into the city for my bday and we’re going to jump on the 2fer line… and now I’m just relaxing and getting reused to getting home so darned early! Hope you are all doing well! Wriet soon!
March 28, 1997 — Chorus Concert…
Well the year’s coming to a close… 17 days left of classes… 14 for me since I’m planning on taking off at least 2 more days and have one trip (hopefully) before the year is out… GRADUATION is approaching! Isn’t it exciting?? I think so. MIT will be so much fun!!! Anyway, my final EBHS chorus concert is next Tuesday night, so anyone who’s not doing anything importantly important, should come and see me sing, and sing, and sing… Harmonics is the best and will be stealing the concert! Etc, etc… just thought I’d say hi… we watched the Mikado in AP Music this week… it was SOOO exciting and fun- well to my class at least, to period 1 it wasn’t that good- but at least my class LOVED IT!!! We laughed so much, “Chop it off, Koko, chop it off!!!!” Anyway the prom’s approaching and Atul, the darling, has found us a limo (hopefully), and the bids are on sale tomorrow, etc… everything seems to be working out at least… and the year is quickly, quickly ending! Tentative date for a graduation party is June 28th with a possible other date for those who can’t make it… yes, I know, only I would have 2 parties just so everyone could come… we’ll see… Until then, then!!! Life w/o homework is divine!
March 30, 1997 — NYC…
Another day in the city. Gosh was it fun!!! A bunch of friends took my out to the city for my birthday so it didn’t cost me anything! (except the $20 I put in for dessert when we got back to EB and went to Ruby Tuesday’s…) We arose very early- 7! And Dave came around and picked everyone up and we took the 8:25 bus into the city! And we jumped on the 2fer line and got tickets to the new Kander and Ebb musical, Steel Pier, which stars Gregory Harrison and Karen Ziemba (who is SSSOOO great and nice and all) We were one of the first audiences to see it since it just started previews… anyway we also went to Jekyll and Hyde the restaurant and that was really fun, too! So it was a GREAT day!!! Oh, and we met some of Rachel’s friends from camp, one of whom I e-mail, and now I think they might all e-mail me! The more the merrier… Anyway today Fatema had this great idea to go miniature golfing so I must go prepare for that! Speak to you all soon- hope your weekends are going well!
April 3, 1997 — Johns Hopkins
Well, it’s official- I got in everywhere I applied! The letter from Hopkins came today- however since they are only offering me 6 out of the 31 thousand dollars each year I doubt I’ll end up going there… so it’s really still between MIT and Rutgers- and I’m visiting Rutgers this Sat. and going up to Boston next Thurs. through Sat. and then we’ll see… if MIT gave me $$, I’d go there… they don’t seem to know what they’re missing… anyway I got my video of the show and am watching my excellent performance right now… the week is nearing its close… it’s almost Spring Vacation! And Monday starts Qtr 4 and I’m back out to lunch! And the year is almost over and nothing counts anymore! Just have to make it to AP Tests… Hope you’re all doing well! Write soon!!
April 16, 1997 — And the Winner is…
It’s official. My decision is complete. And I’m definetely, 100% sure and certain that I am going to be enrolling in the #1 school in America for Engineering and Science and Math and the place where I absolutely loved to be:
Just thought you’d all like to know finally that I have a future.
May 4, 1997 — It’s May, It’s May, It’s the Lusty Month of May!
It’s May. Can you believe it? It has come to my attention that I have been neglecting my public and haven’t sent a really long, juicy ledger out in awhile… first let me apologize since I’ve been rather busy as this year comes to its close… now I’m sure some of you were very content in not finding mail from me, but hopefully the majority of you were on absolute tintlehooks hoping that I’d write more ledgers to make you smile and save you from the mundane routine of May… well, here it is, the guenuine thing!! A friend of mine, Dave McBride (whom of course most of you probably know) had a marvelous idea of numbering ideas so people could skip sections of things they don’t care about… now I’m going to try to highlight general topics, but as you all know, I get quite verbose and babble and cahnge subjects frequently…
1. Senior Variey Show The SVS is this THurs and Fri night at 7:30 for anyone who’s in the area… 7 others and I are singing Starmaker which a bunch fo you know in 4 parts, 2 on a part and it sounds great since we all had Boyle and I personally am singing to him since he is MY starmaker.. 🙂 speaking of the God of Chorus, I think he has a concert coming up on May 25th if we want to get some groupees together… Anyway, in part 2 of the show I am singing Corner of teh Sky from Pippin… I’m playing piano and singing and it’ll hopefully sound fine… So I’m in 2 acts and it looks like it’ll be a very funny show too… and that’s where I’ll be after school under god knows when this week…
2. Plays-in-the-Park I had my second callback for the Park today for Music Man and I’m fianlly over that damned cold I had and I sounded as great as usual so I feel much better than after Monday night’s squeak-alholic singing… anyway, I should know either tomorrow or Tues… if I made Guys and Dolls I’ll have rehearsal tomorrow night and I’ll probably find out about an hour before I have it… but since I put down tons of conflicts for it, hopefully I’ll be in Music Man instead which’ll give me something to do all summer like I need… So I shall let you all know which show I’ll be in so you can all see it!
3. Summer Theatre Yes, I’m returning to Summer Theatre this year… this’ll probably be the last year for me since MIT is expensive, my dear… I haven’t officially heard yet, but I probably will hear quite soon… I have no idea what shows we’re doing this year though…
4. The Prom I sent out a huge letter with all of the details to all of those joining me on this weekend… the price tag is approaching $250 but everything seems to be working out… so that’s good. I’m trying not to stress out about it too much… Atul, Dave and I got measured for our tuxs so that’s taken care of at least…
5. Graduation I’m going to graduate high school!!! I really, really want to have a party and am in negotiations for a time and date… I reluctantly acquiesced and gave Josepha my original date of June 21st since she really wanted it… I’m seriously considering the 20th but I’ll let you all know… if I’m in G&D’s I’ll be booked every night of graduation week and the week after…
6. AP Tests I have a 3 hour AP Eng. test first thing tomorrow! Yay! I can’t wait… I don’t know why I’m torturing myself since I’ll only get 9 humanities credits at MIT and I want to take humanities classes… I have 2 tests on the follwing Mon… Physics and Music… I need 4 or 5 on Eng, and Mus for credits but a 5 on both parts of Physics to place out of Mechanics with 12 credits… and I ahve already placed out of Calc 1 for 12 credits and will go right into Calc 2 Multi-Variable Calc…
7. Senioritis It keeps getting worse and worse and worse… I can’t read any more… I have to read Beloved for a week from Tues… I’m sitting here babbling on when I shoudl be reviewing for my Physics exam… but I do have another week to go and I’m sure I’ll do fine…
8. Closing Remarks This method is actually quite cool… thanks Dave! Bernadette rules… oh Betty- I saw betty Buckley in concert last week (don’t ercall if I mentioned it) but anyway, she went out the wrong door and we didn’t get her autograph but Jamie wrote to her and got a picture so I wrote to her too and hopefully I’ll get one too… it has been my pleasure to finally catch up with all of you on life, etc… Hope you’re all doing well! Good luck on finals to all of my college friends! Hope to see you all soon and multiple times this summer! Write back soon!!!!!!!
May 12, 1997 — Home For Lunch…
Hello all! Check out the time of this message- it’s 12:05 in the afternoon! Guess who came home for lunch? I just took a 3.5 hour AP Music exam and since they let me go first for the sight-singning part, I got to leave first… that’s b/c I have to be back there at 1 for my AP Physics test!!! Joy, of joys! But I do have a good half hour to kill and am vegging and relaxing and jumping up and down to release all of this tension and the stress of sitting in one place w/o talking for so long! The test wasn’t that bad, but I know I didn’t get everything right… we’ll see when July comes! Well I must go relax before my next 3 hour exam…
May 15, 1997 — Chorus Concert…
Well the year’s coming to a close… 17 days left of classes… 14 for me since I’m planning on taking off at least 2 more days and have one trip (hopefully) before the year is out… GRADUATION is approaching! Isn’t it exciting?? I think so. MIT will be so much fun!!! Anyway, my final EBHS chorus concert is next Tuesday night, so anyone who’s not doing anything importantly important, should come and see me sing, and sing, and sing… Harmonics is the best and will be stealing the concert! Etc, etc… just thought I’d say hi… we watched the Mikado in AP Music this week… it was SOOO exciting and fun- well to my class at least, to period 1 it wasn’t that good- but at least my class LOVED IT!!! We laughed so much, “Chop it off, Koko, chop it off!!!!” Anyway the prom’s approaching and Atul, the darling, has found us a limo (hopefully), and the bids are on sale tomorrow, etc… everything seems to be working out at least… and the year is quickly, quickly ending! Tentative date for a graduation party is June 28th with a possible other date for those who can’t make it… yes, I know, only I would have 2 parties just so everyone could come… we’ll see… Until then, then!!! Life w/o homework is divine!
May 24, 1997 — As May Ends…
Howdy-ho to those I know! It’s almost June. Really. June. Can you believe it? No way? It’s almost June, and my mailbox has been close to empty and it appears that all of my friends have disappeared in a puff of smoke. Really, it does. Now I suppose most of you have to be done with college by now, so my question is can you still get your mail at your college account? Just checking that you’re still out there… any summer plans? I’ll get to mine later in the ledger… I’m going to attempt to use the subtitle plan again…
1. Bernadette- She’s the best. She’s in my CD player right now (no, not really her, just her newest CD from Carnegie Hall) and she’s phenominal as usual… in other diva news I got an autographed picture of Betty Buckley in the mail from writing to Playbill… and it was a quick delivery too…
2. School- Does it still exist? yes, I know it does, but there are only 11 days left of classes and I’m only going to at most 9 of them! And we don’t do ANY work in ANY class and it’s just pathetic to have to continue to go… there’re still a few things to finish, but nothing to do this weekend at all… I mean nothing… except a few plans but I think I’ll need a new subheading for that when I finish with school… so anyway, it’s still going for a few more weeks… I have ONE final and that’s about it…
3. This weekend- You knew it had to be next- plans are mostly tentative… today I’m doing absolutely NOTHING… tomorrow the same except there’s a slight possibility of driving up to Swartmore with Jill who forgot her table at college and whose roomate gave it to a Senior who graduates in a few weeks until Jill can get it… and Monday night I’m participating in my FOURTH murder mystery…. the 2nd one at Amanda’s… it’s a Roman one and we’ll all be in togas! Can’t wait…
4. Prom- 2 weeks and closing. yes, I know I still have to order the corsages Atul and Dave… I’ll do it, I promise… and hopefully the motel thing is wokring out- I’ll be down at the beach that weekend, so exuse me for not being able to check my mail… It’ll hopefully be a night to remember…
5. Drama competetion- We’re doing FUnny Money in a drama competetion in Bucks County on Friday and I get to open it up with a brief synopse of what has gone on in the play so far since we can only do 30 minutes of it… it’ll be a fun, if long day since we spend the entire day there and get back after midnight… but it’ll be enjoyable, I’m sure! It’s so weird doing a show we did in Nov. again…
6. GRADUATION- it’s coming, it’s coming! I CAN’T WAIT! We started learning my song for graduation in chorus… well my arrangement of Sondheim’s Our Time… and even those who initially hated it are starting to come around… and almost everyone thinks my arrangement is nice and all that compliment stuff… so that’s good… That’ll hopefully be anohter day to remember…
7. Graduation Parties- On last count I was invited to TEN of them and it’s not even June yet… I’m going to be running around and coming late and leaving early to most of them… the only ones I’m oging to be at for the entire party will be Josepha and Lynne’s parties… aren’t they lucky? The reason why will fall under summer plans…
8. MY GRADUATION PARTY– June 29th was a possibility, I know not if I want to really have a long party the day before I start camp… the next idea was to have a July 4th/ graduation party and the final one was maybe July 5th… so since you’re all invited please tell me which date(s) are best for you… my other idea was either Father’s Day or the Monday b/f graduation but I didn’t think those were so great…
9. Summer plans- Summer theatre again for what’ll probably be the last year… they’re only giving me $5.25/ hour and they’re supposed to give me a 25 cent raise each year so I’m going to complain… Veevs- how much are you getting? I’m doing Merrily We Roll Along up in Cranford/ Westfield with the lady I play piano for… I’m playing Tyler, which as I say is b/t Mary and Moore… I’m also playing the piano for one number since there’s a pianist on stage and I’m in the scene as a waiter anyway… but the rehearsal schedule is MASSIVE and that’s why I’m going to be coming late to a whole lot of parties… the ones on weekends mostly… I’ve worked it out in my head… But don’t worry I’ll hopefully get to everyone’s party eventually… I’m also going to make personal graduation cards for everyone and I’ll probably hand them out on or before graduation just so eveyrone gets them at teh same time and b/c some of my friends aren’t having parties… we’ll see… I don’t know about presents yet since $$ is low and the Prom is expensive… we’ll see…
10. This e-mail— here I thought I was just going to write a quick note to my friends and it already has been a hlaf hour of typing… well I hope I’ve caught everyone up on my life… PLEASE WRITE BACK so I know you’re still out there! Thanks much! Talk to you soon…
June 3, 1997 — Vote!!!!!!
just a reminder to vote… I’m going for MURPHY!!!!!!!! Senior awards tonight… joy of joys… prom- $165 more for this entire weekend… $95 already paid (bids were actually paid for by my parents however everything else is coming out of my $$)… and possible even more than that (depending on how frugal I am during meals…)… oh well… VOTE!!!! Must go…
June 10, 1997 — The PROM!!!!
Hello, all! For those of you who didn’t write all weekend- I’m back from a wonderful few days at the beach… it was a little too hot today… I’m so RED and the sun is so annoying… TODAY WAS MY LAST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! I feel so relieved although I still have a Pysch final to take and tehn have to make up a Psych test after it and then have a chorus rehearsal… and then at night I’m working for the second to last night… Thurs is yearbook day and Friday I was going to go to Great Adventure but both Dave and Fatema who were going to come are not coming and it’s going to be very crowded and sunny and I’m thinking I just may sleep in and relax since Saturday is going to eb a busy day for me… Anyway, for those of you interested in my great weekend, here is the COMPLETE story….
My weekend at the beach and prom:
1) PRE-PRE-PROM: Friday night as you should all know was the Prom. It was amazingly fun… first though was a hectic day- we had planned on leaving Dave’s van at the Hilton to take us home afterwards since we were only getting the town cars there HOWEVER when we got up to the parking spaces, all of a sudden Dave’s van broke down… now Dave being stubborn and all (no insult intended) says that all we have to do is wait an hour and it should work… SO since I drove my car too to take us all home, I am told to go to Fatema’s to tell her that we need her van instead… so I go to Fatema’s and relax and watch some soap opera as we try to figure it all out… so that works out and I go back to tell them and wee still ahven’t picked up the corsages either… so then Dave tries the van and it doesn’t work… this is around 2ish.. we left around 12 when Atul got home from school (after 5th- Dave and I have 5th lunch so we left after 4th) ANYWAY– Atul realized the time and has to pick up his sister, Ritu, from school since she’s not going to the Prom around 2:15-20 so we finally convinced Dave that we needed a limo and I called up AAA since my family belongs and with Atul’s help tried to tell the operator all of the info she needed… so she dispatched a truck which would be there in a half hour… and I drove Atul to his home to get his car to pick up his sister, then the corsages and we’d all meet back at the Hilton until the toe-truck came… so I got back to the Hilton around 2:25 and Dave says one truck already came but couldn’t fit so anohter was on the way… so I parked my car, checked that his van was still there and ok and then ran into Adam Neary who was coming from a Democratic convention where Torrecelli, McGrievey, Andrews and all were there… and then I ran back to Dave but got lost and came out where the bus terminals are and when I got there he wasn’t there so I ran back up to the van and there he was with his mommy (who he’d called) and the toe truck and then I told him I’d meet him at his house… so I ran back to my car (but somewhere in b/t this I met a person and asked for a bumper sticker which he didn’t have but he gave me a McGrievey for Governor sticker and I put it on my car) and then I was passing EB Florist and decided to see if Atul was there yet… he hadn’t arrived yet, and since he had the $$ at the time I waited and sure enough he came 5 minutes later about as stressed as I was! We were both messes! So we bought the corsages and went to Dave’s… called everyone coming to the PreProm party at Dave’s to come around 5 instead of 4 and went home to change… NOW I hadn’t pakced for the weekdn yet, and didn’t relish the idea of doing much more in the morning than sleeping and waking up and sleeping while Dave drove, so I rush packed, lied on my bed for a few seconds (I had originally intened an hour nap, which if I had had would have kept me awake around 2 and maybe I would’ve gone to Kent’s post prom party) and took a shower and rushed into my tux and made it to Dave’s around 5:15 where Rachel wanted ot meet me and she got there a little after that… and Dave’s father put on my cufflinks and…
2) PRE-PROM: Pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. With everyone and their mother’s cameras (no pun intended!) Some snacks. Fatema showed up really late (around 6ish maybe 6:15) and the cars came around 6:40… and of course once Fatmea got there we had to take all of the pictures all over again… but it was fun… and Amanda put on the guy’s butaneers since no one else could… and we got pictures. Lots of pictures although I seem to be the only one who hasn’t gotten any back yet… and we got into the car (while pictures were taken- sense a theme?) and drove to the Hilton where…
3) THE COCKTAIL HOUR: We got out around 7:10 and after we pulled up, all of my firends seemed to come enmass… Kim and Lynne (the others at my table, not at hte party) showed up… and the band people came and then Jessica, Josepha, Beccifer and their littel clique… and then various others, but I took more pictures (of course) and also started the awful trend of taking other’s cameras to take pictures of them which lasted all weekend and even today… I tried to get all of my friends on film… Next during this hour we went upstairs, signed in, shook Benny’s hand (Tantillo) and had some really great PUNCH, took more pictures, mingled, met and talked to Scribby’s date, Sara from NY whose both Jewish and an actress… sung a little Lloyd Webber with her… mingled… had little weiners and mozzarella sticks… and took pictures… and some for others too… and then the doors opened…
4) THE PROM: Quite a fun event really. The music wasn’t the best, but I did do a lot of dancing and managed to dance with most of my friends except a few who were really busy… talked to billions of people, constantly flirting of course… Everyone looked so spiffy and lovely, really they all did! Took more pictures, surprise, surprise- had to switch film during #3, and also had to put in a new battery- fortunately, Dave brought extra batteries with him or I would’ve been very, very upset… Danced and danced and ate… food was eh… salad was disgusting… bread was good and ice cream was really good… and danced and took pictures… it was quite dark though and I hope they came out… and the hours went by really, really quickly… around 11:25 a few of us went into the hallway and found a grand piano so we sang until a security guy told us politely we really weren’t supposed ot be playing although the rest of the staff told me to continue anyway…
5) POST-PROM: We left absolutely at the last moment around 12:05ish I’d say… walked with the little bag full of stuff Kim’s boyfriend go us… he got us a picture album, bracelets for the girls and sunglasses for the guys- I traded Lynne’s boyfriend for green- I wore them this weekend and LOVED them… he was really nice… anyway Fatem drove us to Dave’s to pick up our cards and we met at Bennigans… however, we all decided we really weren’t hungry and left… most went to Kent’s post prom party but since Nicole and Rachel didn’t want to go to someone’s house they didn’t know, we went back to Dave’s and dropped Atul whose curfew was 1:30am home to sotp him from rebeling and getting grounded all summer… we stayed in my car and hung out for an hour but around 2 Rachel and I were really tired and just wanted to go home… so I dorve Rachel home and then went home myself although had I been more awake or had I been able to sleep in on Sat. I probably would’ve gone to Kent’s since most of my firends went there…
6) SATURDAY: I told Dave to call me 20 minutes b/f he was ready to leave and he called around 11:45… the rest of the big group slept over Mindy’s and left from there, but I wanted to sleep in a tiny bit… Dave came around 12:45 (his father took his car so he left 30 minutes later than he expected to), we drove down to Seaside- well he did, and I slept, and it took a little less than an hour (not 2 Scribby) and then we found out about the awful manager who the rest of them had spent an hour or two trying to figure out payment with… and the motel wasn’t that nice, but Dave and my room was nice… then we walked on the boardwalk, I tried to win a beany baby for my sister a bunch of times to no avail… Josepha got a psychic reading… at night we went on rides and played mini-golf (and I beat Dave)… we got back to the motel around 2:15 and Dave, Scott Alessi and I flipped coins to see who would sleep on the floor and Dave lost so he did…
7) SUNDAY: Woke up around 10:30-11. Got ready. WAITED UNTIL 1 or 2 FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO GET READY… Kept waiting. Played Dave in war. Eventually lost alhtough I had all four aces at once at a point and that cheered me up after waiting forever and ever and getting really annoyed… Went up on sky ride. Took pictures both days, forgot to mention that… it seems I would have all of the great picture ideas and then I’d end up standing there taking one of them for everyone in the picture and it was just like the pre-prom party and I am sick of pictures (and am the last person you’d think would ever get that way)… played mini-golf at a better place at night and creamed Dave again… ate supper at a nice Italian restaurant… had Fetticine Alfredo… at night went to Dave Levy’s room and watched some people get drunk… watched 2 hours of Star Trek fomr 11:30-1:30 and went to bed… yes, I know I would’ve done that at home too…
8) MONDAY: A really nice, hotter day. Got up. Everyone else was forced out by 11 too so we actually got to do something! Went to the beach and lied there forever! Built a sand castle, played frisbee and of course took more pictures! Also, played cards… oh Sunday, we walked all the way down the boardwalk and then played cards on the beach too… anyway, lied on the beach forever and that’s why I’m burned and red… left around 4 and got back, ate dinner, took a shower, watched Mad About You and Seinfeld and went to bed at 8. And…
9) TUESDAY: Woke up. Went to my last day of high school! Took more pictures and the same pattern of me taking a bunch kept up… and it’s over! And I have a few finals and that’s it… and it’s almost SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, this letter’s really, really long, so I’ll stop… Please, write back those of you who haven’t written in a long time! Don’t forget to RSVP…
June 25, 1997 — It’s Finally Summer!
It’s summer! It’s summer! And I’m busy! Busy as a bumble bee (although I don’t know how busy they are but I’ll assume it’s quite busy)… to give you an example of how busy I’ve been- I haven’t watched the season finale of DS9 from Sat. night yet simply b/c I haven’t had an hour to myself all week… and it’s already Wednesday… Anyway, I haven’t been getting much mail and I ran into Jackie at Eitan’s party Sunday night (which I left rather early around 10:30 instead of the normal 1-2ish) and she also commented on the lack of decent mail around this month… so I am going to uplift everyone’s spirits and send out this ledger to cheer everyone up and to remind people that e-mail exists for the purpose of writing! 🙂
Summer Theatre is starting next week! (not that I really want to wake up around 8:15 every morning) We had a staff meeting. Veevs and I got our 25 cent raise this year after complaining about not getting it due to Doug (person in charge)’s mistake… I can’t wait to see all fo the kids again! They’re so cute! It’ll be a fun year I think. Anyone who’s free/ bored Friday’s at 11 we have a show- well Thurs next week since Fri is the 4th of July… and the Sat. is my party- don’t forget to RSVP if you haven’t yet… and of course there’s…
Merrily We Roll Along which opens July 18 and runs for 2 weekends- Fri and Sat at 8 and Sun at 7… so I expect everyone will come! It’s in Cranford- exit 137 off the Parkway… Dave shall send out a really cool ad with directions (right Dave?) b/c Dave is up all night talking to his friend in Wisconsin anyway… anyway, the rehearsals are major- this week it’s only been 6-11 for me… I get off early Fri night so I can run to Tooly’s party… and I have off Sundays… starting next week I have rehearsal from 3-11 with a 45 minute dinner break. I’m going to lose weight this summer b/c I’m not going to have time to eat… anyway, that’s what’s keeping me busy… but everyone better write back and keep in touch with me this summer!
MIT awaits!! I keep getting all of this cool stuff in the mail! I wanted to go to this Student Leaders conference but that would mean I’d have to be up at MIT by the 16th and since I’m seeing RENT again on the 17th that makes that goal even less possible… that and I have SUmmer THeatre until the 8th and would like at least a week to pack and relax and say goodbye 🙁 to all of my friends…
ANYWAY, I have big, cool news- now everyone knows that 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything- but where did it come from? Well my new buddy, Tommy who’s going into 8th grade and is in Merrily (playing Frank Jr) discovered that if you take the numerical values of the letters: D. Adams it adds up to 42: 4+1+4+1+13+19…… now I thought that was cool… and anyone who wants to congratulate him on this discovery his address is: mikew680@earthlink.net I sent him a copy of this ledger to forewarn him so feel free to mail him…
So that’s life this summer. I finally found time to send out a ledger. The first thing I’m going to do on August 20th is to find a computer and start my account and write everyone b/f they leave for college so that they can spread my new address around ASAP and I can keep in touch with all of my friends next year! Have a great summer! Write me! As soon as tech week’s over (after the 20th of July) I intend to hang with all fo my friends until I leave… See you soon!!!!
July 4, 1997 — Happy July 4th!
Well, it’s already July! Can you believe it? I have the weekend off from everything so I’m going to have some free time to relax for once! Don’t forget about tomorrow, for those of you who are coming… if you need directions, call me or e-mail me or both… or call someone else who knows where I live… (btw, I’ve made this a patriotic e-mail by using blue on red although it’s a little hard to read)
The show looks really, really great and I encourage everyone to come see it! Summer Theatre is going quite well– the kids are SO cute and adorable! I leave in 42 days (if I am accepted into the FLP program which I’ll find out next week along with AP scores which I’m awaiting)
I just wanted to wish everyone a great July 4th! I hope you’re all enjoying your summers… I know I am…
Keep in touch! See most of you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! (around 2:15) (if it doesn’t rain)
July 18, 1997 — “Today’s the Day!!!” (Max Takes the Script to Paramount)
Hello everyone! I know I haven’t sent out a ledger in a really, really long time. So here it is! I know some of you were having trouble getting through the summer w/o them! (or maybe not)… anyway, this is it! OPENING NIGHT! Now, I know you have all received tons of ads for the show from Dave and me and I really, really hope that you all come! And those of you involved in it- BREAK A LEG! It’s going to be an awesomely fabulous show and I really encourage to all to see it! If anyone is bored tonight- you have directions!
But alas, enough advertising the show and on to other things… I leave in exactly 4 weeks for Boston and will not be returning until Thanksgiving. I made the FRESHMAN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM though! they informed us by e-mail so I replied to all the other freshmen to say hi and a whole bunch of them wrote back too and hopefully by the end of the weekend everyone will have introduced themselves to each other! It’s SO cool getting mail from all of these people who seem really, really great and just as excited as I am!!! So I really can’t wait for MIT.
Btw, you should all make plans to see me my last week and a half of being here- Aug 8-14… I finish SUmmer Theatre on the 8th so I’m free all day for the next week and that’s it! I am also free at night starting Monday! So call me and let’s hang and all that, ok? I will get my e-mail account up ASAP and will commence writing you from Cambridge as soon as it’s up and running…
I hope you are all having great summers! I’m going to take a 3 hour nap now. Speak to you all soon, I hope!!!
ps. please, please, please come see the show- I need support.
July 21, 1997 — I’m Home! I’m Home!
It’s a miracle! I’m actually home for a night! And tomorrow and Tues. and Wed nights too! And then for a few more weeks… I leave in 26 days for the Freshman Leadership Program at MIT! It should be the time of my life- last night I spent 2 hours plowing through the endless amounts of mail from fellow FLPers…
The show was SPECTACULAR and those of you who came I thank, those of you in the cast I congratulate on a WONDERFUL performance, and those of you who haven’t seen it yet- what are you waiting for? We have 3 more shows- Fri, Sat at 8 and Sun at 7… so I hope you come if you haven’t yet! It’s worth it- if you don’t believe me ask: Scribby, Nicole, Dave McB, Dan H, Ali, Aviva, Jessica and of course Tooly! There’s only been RAVE reviews so far!
Anyway, I managed to get my court date changed so I can go to the last week of summer theatre… I’m going on the Wed. after it ends- August 13th at 9am and I’m going to plead not guilty and hope for some leniency… we’ll see… the girls involved pitched in so I will be able to pay the ticket, it’s just the points on my licenses I’m worried about getting rid of…
This week at Summer Theatre we’re doing the Thief of Yankee Poo and I’m playing a merchant, yet again… it should be fun… especially since Colleen (my favorite 3rd grader) is back from gymnastics camp where she was for a week… I’m listening to Titanic which is really great…
Hope you’re all having great summers! Give me a call if you’re bored…
August 3, 1997 — How Can It Be August Already????
Hello, everyone! How are you all doing? It’s August. I leave in 12 days. Summer Theatre has been going really well… we have one more show- my final show since this could very possibly be my last year… but one never knows…
Yesterday I went into the city around 8 and with the 7 people we had, we branched out and waited on various rush lines… and Dan walked back and forth trying to figure out the logistics of who should buy what… It was quite amusing… I waited on the Titanic line… to make a long story shorter the outcome was: Matinee- we managed to get the last 5 tix for CHICAGO’s matinee!!! (there were 5 people going to each show, 2 going to both, 8 people in total) Chicago was AMAZING! Bebe was superb!!!!! However, she didn’t come out after the matinee, so we went back there after seeing TITANIC at night (Jamie and I saw Titanic, Dan saw Chicago (the last ticket available) and Amanda and Dave saw The Life) however, Bebe snuck out another entrance… but Marilu Henner (from Taxi) came out at least and I got her autograph, and Mama’s autograph and a whole bunch of chorus people from before… TITANIC was also AMAZING and very, very enjoyable, esp. from the 1st row orch, center. The best seats in the house. Well almost b/c we couldn’t see anything on top that well esp. when the lookout tower came down from the ceiling right on top of our heads…
Anyway, it was a really fun, adventurous day and I think everyone who went enjoyed it… I’m not spending any more $$ for the rest of my 12 days here in EB…
The funniest, coincidental moments of yesterday were: 1. when I ran into Andy (the pianist from Merrily) in the city- I mean, we just crossed the street at the same time and had a brief conversation… As if that wasn’t weird enough: 2. when we came of the bus in New Brunswick at 12:15am, we were crossing the street from the bus to the parking place and making a turn into that street was TOM (RU) from Merrily… Dave yells out, “Oh my god, it’s Tom!” and we both shout “Hi, Tom!” and he waves back… it was the most amazing coincidence I’ve ever been apart of…
Anyway, I’m going to see the Children’s Hour tonight, so those in it- Break a leg and I’ll see you later!
I was up for 19 hours yesterday. But I’m more rested now…
Talk to you all soon, I hope!
August 13, 1997 — A Day in Court AKA a Waste of Time
Well today was the long awaited day in court. And boy was it a big waste of my time… I would have saved $30 and gotten 6 hours more sleep if I had just skipped it…
It was raining as I entered the dismal looking municipal building after spending 35 minutes in the car traveling at 60 mph on the Pkway (my mother drove) as opposed to my normal speed of… well, I’ll just plead the 5th on that… So anyway, we waited for a hlf hour until 9 when the prosecutor was meeting with the summonees… So I went in and was ready to plea bargain, but unfortunately that b**** cop REFUSED to compromise in any way and claimed she thought she was already being nice by not mentioning a few “other summons” to the court… so to make a very ong story short, I now have 2 points on my license… well 2 more points and we paid a $105 fine- $75 for the ticket and $30 for the court charge… and I feel tired and like I was robbed of one of my last true days of sleep left…
So that was my awful day. In other news, tomorrow is my last day in EB. So this will probably be the 2nd to last ledger from NJ for awhile… but have no fear! I plan to get me e-mail account at MIT up and running by the 20th and will hopefully start sending my ledgers from Cambridge starting next week!!! 🙂 And we’ll all KIT forever and ever, right?
So I shall now be sending this off and checking my mail and then I will reply to it and probably not check my mail again until tomorrow… but I will check it twice tomorrow- once in the morning and once b/f I go to bed since I leave at 9am Friday morn…
I’m quite excited about going to MIT!!! I think I’m in for the best time of my life! I’ve met a lot of great people, and it’s very exciting to know I get to spend the next 4 years with them… I have yet to review calculus… I cna’t wiat for multi-variable calc! (sarcasm)…
oh well… I’ll save my tearful goodbyes for tomorrow…
Oh b/f I forget- everyone is asking me what I look like so I would appreciate it if a few of you could describe me for other people- I’ll include the best descriptions in my letter to the FLP people tomorrow…
August 14, 1997 — And Now the Time Has Come When We Must Say Goodbye, Farewell, or Even Toodleloo
Other titles: I guess this is goodbye, old pal… So long, farewell, afwierdersane…
Well, I leave for Boston tomorrow. Really I do. And I’ll have a great time, but it shall never replace the great times of this year and the years passed.
I will never forget any of you. Thank you for being my friends, for helping me when I needed help, for not complaining about my countless ledgers, and most of all for just being there. (“Out there- in the dark…”)
It has been a remarkable year… I will definitely see you all around, don’t worry! I plan to get my e-mail account up sometime around 8 or 9, 10 at the latest on August 20th. And it will be “as if we never said goodbye…”
I love you all and wish you the best in all you do!
I shall check my e-mail again later tonight and perhaps one more last time b/f I leave tomorrow morning at 9am, but after that I will not be able to check this account unless I can figure out a way to telnet or something (but I’m going to school with a whole lot of computer geniuses so I don’t anticipate many problems…)
You are the best friends a guy could ask for! Never change! KIT or else!!!!!
My fondest wishes and love- Seth
September 1997
Hey everyone!
I FINALLY have a decent program in my room and all’s well with the world!
B/f I forget, I didn’t give anyone my number (which is probably why the phone rarely rings and occasionally those rings are just wrong numbers)
I have been rejected from just about every group on campus. But that’s ok b/c I’m still on the newspaper, in the movie club (I sell tix and see all movies for FREE!), am still running for social chair of my class (elections are at the end of the month) and am auditioning for MTG (musical theatre guild)’s fall production next week- its’ called Robots. It’s a student written musical. I want to write one, but I need an idea, a lyricist and a playwright first.
I can do everything I’m used to doing on this new e-mail program and am much happier! Note the signature! 🙂 And I can reply-to-all again which I couldn’t for a few weeks. I updated this list so all should be well with it. I noticed that I had failed to update a few addresses, but that’s changed. Apologies for those of you affected b/c they were ledgerless for a few weeks. How devastately awful. 🙂
Anyway, my classes aren’t that bad. I love my music class. Physics and Chem are cool, Calc is really boring and impossible (this coming from me, the math genius) but I’m working on it. I might go square dancing tonight…
I’m finally pretty much settled and I LOVE MIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you who haven’t written in awhile, WRITE! 🙂 Talk to you all soon! (you know who you are- those people who NEVER respond to my ledgers…)
And also I haven’t gotten a single piece of snail mail. 🙁
September 1997
Hey everyone!!!!! Now people have been writing to me desperate for a ledger, so I figure I’d appease everyone and make time in my busy schedule to send one out!
So how is everyone? MIT is still the bestest place in the whole wide world to me and I love it here… I almost have the computer in my room hooked up, but unfortunately the ethernet connection in my room appears to be broken so I have to wait until Mon or Tues for the repairmen to come and fix it for me…
In other news, Josepha and Amy might visit me from Tufts tonight if they don’t have anything else to do… I went there to visit them, and after getting lost for 45 minutes finally found Tufts. It appears that I came out facing a different direction than they thought I would and I ended up walking completely in the wrong direction…
I’m auditioning for the improv comedy troupe Monday night. The following week I’m auditioning for Robots, a student writtne musical, which MTG (Musical Theatre Guild) is doing in November… and I also auditioned for all of the acapella groups and only one said I could do them and MTG so we’ll see if they took me… other than that i joined the newspaper, the Hillel and will be running for social chair of my class (I’m very social. I’ve never been a chair b/f, but I was a couch once and it was fun…)
My classes aren’t that bad at all… oh btw I finally got my AP Music score and got a 4 so that should give me some credit which will come in useful… I don’t have any hw due in Physics, Chemistry- i just have to be able to pass weekly quizzes! (esp easy in Physics since i should place out of the darned course) and Music hw takes me no time… so the only thing I really have is a Multi-Variable Calc problem set due each week… not that the quizzes will be very easy, but at least I don’t HAVE to work out a billion similar problems and just keep doing them over and over liek busy work, you know?
I like weekends. I like them a lot. My earliest classes are at 10 on Mon and Fri and I found out yesterday that 10 is WAY TOO EARLY for me to have class. I can handle the 11:00 ones on Tues- Thurs, bt 10 is just too early for me. The best thing about this place is there’s ALWAYS a party going on!!! Hey, we’re not the 5th best party school in the country according to Playboy for nothing! Well, I must be off! Hope everyone is doing well and having a fun weekend!
Write back soon!!!!!!!!
October 1997 — It’s Already October?
Well, here it is! A bonified Seth Ledger! So how is everyone? I apologize for being too busy to send one out, but since I woke up early for some reason, I figured I could send one out now since I always make sure I’m free until 2, just in case I do sleep. I actually went to bed really early last night so that’s probably why I’m awake this early. That’s so weird b/c 1am used to be rather late, but it’s early nowadays…
Dan already told you about my second column on the web… I haven’t had time to write another one yet. I was going to one about the tests here actually… it has become apparent to me that if the teacher goes over something in class, assigns it for homework, it’s on previous test or in the reading, it is a clear sign that it will NOT be on our test. There are stuff on these tests that no one has ever seen before! Let’s just say class average is usually around 50, so passing is about 35. But I have passed every test at least and do manage to come up above average most of the time which is about a B and sometimes even an A depending on the rest of the class… and of course I’m on pass/ fail for the year so that’s just great! 🙂
I’m in a show!!!! Yes, I believe I mentioned it. Robots. It was written by 2 alumnis and it’s about robots. It’s a little corny at times, but it’ll be cute… I play the Chancellor of the Galaxy and I’m in charge of the whole galaxy unitl a robot dethrones me and then I’m nobody. But it’s a happy ending of course… it reminds me of a well written, double lengthed summer theater show actually…
As some people know, I didn’t get social chair. I came in close second. Of course I ran into about 20 people who forgot to vote, but c’est la vie… I lost ot the person I would’ve voted for if I wasn’t running at least…
Last night I performed in Late Night. It was a talent show where there were a lot of group acts from frat and sorority pledges, but also solo acts too… I sung “If I Can’t Love Her” and played piano (it was a GRAND piano) in front of about 1,500 or so people! So now about a quarter of the MIT community has heard me sing and play piano! It was SO amazing!! I’ve never gotten so much applause in my life! I actually didn’t win the contest b/c this guy wrote a song and played guitar… it was entitled “Organic Chemistry Chick” about this girl he stalked in Organic Chem… It was SO funny though and he got a standing ovation… but I sure impressed the hell out of a lot of people at least…
I actually don’t have too much to do this weekend. A nice, relaxing one. You see there’s no point to doing any work b/c I only have one problem set due a week. I get together with my friend Jen on Wed nights b/f our weekly chem quizzes and do that then and my friend Sara some night b/f the calc problem set is due and do that and physics is a breeze b/c I’ve had it all b/f… although the tests are impossible and long- I finished only 2minutes early- that’s how long it was! no one else even finished it… I had a music test and took my time and still finished in only 20 minutes. And I was SO tired and my brain wasn’t working either…
In other news, Miss Saigon is coming to Boston and I’m in charge of ordering a bunch of tix at a group rate for the UA (undergraduates association) to be offered to everyone… and I’m also in charge of a study break over here in East Campus (EC)… it’s going to be a pajama party and I’m going to try and get food from IHOP along with a lot of orange juice… that’s on 10/21.
Friends and Seinfeld were quite funny Thurs night… “Helloooo”… and the season premiere of DS9 is on tonight! I’m actually ushering for Austin Powers tonight… I’m overflow usher which means that either I get off early or have to stay until 12:30. It depends if the 2nd show sells out- if it does then we have an extra showing in another room and I usher for that. The reel runner gets to run the reels to the 2nd room when it’s done in hte first one… I have that job in Dec I think… but if we don’t sell out, I can leave early. So the debate is whether to see the first movie with the possibility of having to see it again but with the other possibility of getting off early (not that there are any parties here for 2 weeks) or skip the first show, come home for 2 hours to relax, watch DS9 and maybe do work (nah) and then see the 2nd show whether or not it sells out which would just change which room I’d watch it in.
Oh well… it’s very nice having rehearsals again, etc… my schedule is nicely packed and that’s really great… I’m enjoying having late classes and having no homework… I found out that I can’t wake up at 9:30. I feel awful all day when I do. The earliest I can wake is 10:30. And that’s all there is to it. I know I used to wake up at 7:30 every day, but I can’t even imagine doing that. Next semester, I’m goign to work on having no classes b/f 11 and having a lighter Monday then this one…
Anyway, this is really, really long, but I’m sure you noticed that. So I’ll end it. I hope everyone is doing fine! Write soon!
November 1997 — A Successful Show!!
And here it is, what you’ve all been waiting weeks for! A genuine Seth Ledger! I know it’s been ages, but I’ve been busy, busy, busy! But I’m sure you all have been busy, busy, busy too…
I have to start by thanking MIT for this FOUR day weekend without which I wouldn’t have time to recover my sanity and still remember I actually have work to do…
So for those of you who didn’t know I was in a show this weekend called Robots. It went PHENOMINALLY!!!! I had SO much fun! And I had my own song that I stole the show with too! I was actually told by many that I was the best in the show… but don’t tell the rest of the cast that…
The highlight of the run was seeing Josepha!! I haven’t seen her in months! Thanx for coming! And Dave, thank you too although you at least respond to e-mail unlike Josepha who still can’t get her system working well… 🙂 But she has promised we’ll “hang” sometime when she’s less busy…
Anyway, after the show last night we set out to strike the set and bring everything back to the set shop, etc… we finally finished at 4:15am… I got to unscrew things with a drill, so that was fun… around 3:30-4 we got to sort these awful metal thingies we used and it was such HELL… but after that we got to spray the name on the wall (there are a LOT of MTG traditions…) and I got to put up an O!
Then we FINALLY got to have the cast party… at the cast party they give out awards… these awards have been around for years and each show adds a few… so I won a whole bunch! I won the first one for being the most “freshman” like of the freshman! Is anyone surprised? I think it’s b/c I’m a method actor b/c I remember Mary Tricario calling me the typical JUNIOR a while ago and a whole bunch of people remarking about me being the typical SENIOR…
And I also won the one for the most original added line to cover something up b/c during the dress rehearsal during the shower scene the lights went off and I said, “Man what’s it going to take? (the real line and then) This time we even blew a fuse!” (the premise is we’re trying to clean up the captain Zach who’s really dirty to make him into Dr. Lou whom he resembles to get my throne back from the robot, Hoova)
Anyway, that sparkly thing on my sash got the “dimmer” award or something like that with a MUCH longer name… but alas I didn’t win the ham award equivalent b/c there were a few other hams… actually now that I recall it, the entire cast won it for a scene that we kept getting bigger and bigger with each night…
So around 5:45 I was feeling rather tired, so I decided to head on home… so I managed to get to bed by 6. And I woke up today around 2:30. I have found that I am just incapable of sleeping past then. I have determined my perfect sleep hours would be 4-12 b/c I am usually awake if I can sleep to 12 even if I go to bed late. 6-2 is too groggy for me…
So I stayed in bed until 5:15 catching up on all of the TV I taped for the week- Voyager was pretty good, DS9 was AWESOME and Friends and Seinfeld were quite amusing as always… I loved the Merv Griffin set in Kramer’s apartment… I had managed to watch Mad About You and Frasier for the week on Wed… I watch those 6 shows every week no matter what…
So now I have another 45 minutes to kill… tonight I’m going to see Anne Frank in Boston- the PRE-Bway version, so I finally have something over those of you still by NY who keep bragging about stuff like Triumph of Love… not mentioning any names… oh and I get to meet the cast afterwards so we’ll see if I can actually manage to get an autograph off of George Hearn… I of course will be bringing my Sharpie autograph marker!!! I’m going with the Hillel and someone there has contacts it appears…
And i have TWO more days to relax and hopefully look at some work and catch up on last week’s and get back in shape for finals… thank goodness for PASS/ NO RECORD… it’s the BOMB!
well I’m actually getting hungry so I’m going to go eat breakfast/ lunch/ dinner / whatever it is…
WRITE SOON!!!!! I be back in EB in 17 days!
November 1997 — Tis Almost Thanksgiving!
Hey everyone! I’m totally not in the mood for studying so I just figured I’d say hi to all of those wonderful people out there in cyberspace!
So how is everyone doing? In less than a week, I shall be able to see all of my EB friends- I can’t wait!
Anyway, I had a pretty good week- b/f I forget the bad pun of the week is in reference to the constant for dissolving water which is Kw… and I remarked it was like a blind kiwi… that’s b/c it’s a kiwi w/o the i’s!!!!!
Yesterday my friend Rachel and I walked to Harvard Square and back…it was TONS of fun!!
The other big news that I haven’t announced to EVERYone yet is the fact that I got elected onto the MTG (musical theatre guild)’s exec board! I’m in charge of publicity! We’re doing the Fantasticks in Jan… I can’t wait!! I feel so in charge!!
Anyway, I should probably go back to relaxing… oops, I mean studying, yeah that’s it… I hardly ever do it but I really should… not that it’s going to happen…
Have a great weekend! I happen to be booked as usual… I can’t wait to see everyone in a week!!!
December 1997 — December? How Can It Be December?
I realized that I haven’t been KITing as much as usual, so please forgive me b/c I’m swamped w/ things to get done…
But I figured I could stay up a little while longer to say hi to everyone…
As some of you know I got into the Fantasticks and will be playing Mortimor (the guy who dies)… the shows are Jan 30,31 Feb 1,6-8 so plan your trips up to Boston now! 🙂
Other than that I shall be back in EB on Dec 17th around 8 and will be leaving on Jan 4th w/ Dave at 5am (I’m just not going to go to sleep until we leave since I’m very accustomed to staying up until 5 on Sat. nights anyhow)
Wish Fatema and Jill happy birthdays this weekend!!
Tonight I saw this Shakespeare play, Coronolius or something like that… it was really cute. I might take a Shakespeare course next semester… then Sara and Courtney came over and we played Big Boggle! Then I ran into a few friends roaming the halls aorund 1am so I joined them and went on the dome again. It’s an AWESOME view! I think I can get myself there now, so if anyone wants to got to the top of the big dome at MIT, just let me know. The only problem is I’m not very good at picking the lock on the door to the roof.
Well finals are coming up, but I don’t have anything due this week b/c of them. So I don’t have to worry about it yet. IAP lurks! (independent activities period) and it sounds like a LOT of fun! I still can’t decide whether to stay the summer up here. I think a lot of my friends’ll be leaving. I just don’t wanna take all of the stuff off my walls b/c I’ll have to put it all back next year… very annoying… oh well… and since Veevs isn’t coming back to Summer THeatre, I don’t see any reason to. we’ll see…
Well, I should probably find something productive to do. WRITE SOON if you get the chance- good luck on finals!!!! (1/8 of our college years are over…)